How to Choose The Right Strains When Using Cannabis For Anxiety?

Medical Cannabis San Francisco
3 min readNov 18, 2020
Cannabis Strains

Did you know that anxiety disorders affect around 18 percent of the total US population?

This counts to almost 40 million people. While this sounds huge, it is also true that anxiety issues are highly treatable but only 30–35 percent of these people receive treatment.

Today, many people are using cannabis as alternative medicine and anxiety relief is one of its popular applications. However, the effects of cannabis on anxiety levels are not a straight as you might think. It’s best to consult an MMJ doctor or visit a nearby marijuana clinic before starting your medication.

What to Learn About Cannabis And Anxiety?

Cannabis has a biphasic effect when it comes to its relationship with anxiety. Research says that at certain doses cannabis produces anxiolytic effects, while at others it can worsen the anxiety too.

Studies also show that THC which is the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis has anxiety-inducing tendencies and a high THC dosage could elevate anxiety levels. High CBD doses on the other hand show an anxiety-reducing behavior.

While consulting a cannabis doctor is a better idea before you jump on to using cannabis for your anxiety issues. This information alone would be beneficial for you when you’re picking your cannabis strains.

Top 3 Cannabis Strains Best Used For Anxiety


AC/DC is a Sativa dominant cannabis strain which are known for producing elevating and relaxing effects. ACDC is a cross between Ruderalis and Cannatonic with a remarkably high CBD: THC ratio. Making it perfect for using for anxiety relief. ACDC got its name from the renowned Australian rock band, but its effects are rather on the contrary side of what you would expect from the name. It produces almost no intoxicating effects and is one of the most common cannabis strains among medical users.

You can look for this hybrid for getting relief from anxiety, epilepsy, and is even used in coping up with the negative effects of chemotherapy.


Harlequin is also a CBD dominant strain and packed with the qualities of the Sativa plant(75 percent Sativa). It’s again very popular among medical users and is known for easing stress and anxiety symptoms. It also is known to bring out a creative uplift and can also boost work productivity. Emerging from the Swiss landrace strains and Columbian Gold, you can rely on Harlequin to produce a clear-headed high. You would find its flavor as earthy musky to sweet fruity. But the reason it’s popular among medical users is because of its quality of producing relaxing effects without intoxication.

Granddaddy Purple

In spite of being a THC dominant strain grandaddy purple produces an overall calming effect. It has a rich aroma of berries and can be found in shades of purple with white resins. GDP produces a balanced cerebral and body high and can be picked by someone who faces sleeplessness due to the raised anxiety during the night. It is known to relieve pain, stress anxiety, and insomnia.



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